If you haven't heard our school is open and we are planning camp! Just the other day I was walking to my office and the kids saw me and asked when are we doing camp. I told them I was planning it right now and they cheered!
If you didn't know school and camp has been closed for over a year.
The fact that I am able to plan for camp is a MAJOR PRAISE!!!!!! The fact that our kids have been in school for 3 weeks is a MAJOR PRAISE!!!!!!
I just returned from furlough a few days ago. If you are unfamiliar with what furlough is, it is time I am able to go to back to the U.S. to share with people in person what is going on in the D.R. and how the Lord is working. It is time I can fit in appointments, purchase different items that are not available in the D.R. both for personal and ministry use, as well as trying to squeeze in visits with some friends, family, and supporters. Time home in the states was a blessing, but the word I would most use to describe it was busy. I was home a little over 3 weeks and was able to be in 3 states and do 4 formal church presentations as well as a number of more casual one on one presentations.
Even though it was a whirl wind, I am so thankful for the time I had. I didn't get to see everyone I was hoping, but cherished the time I had with those I was able to see!
Right before I left for furlough I moved apartments.
So coming home (to my D.R. home) involves unpacking, settling and preparing for camp.
There is about 2 weeks before we start camp and there are many details to be figured out.
Our goal is to give our 2nd - 8th graders a fall camp experience. Allowing the older grades two days of camp and our younger one one day.
I am excited, but there is a lot to do. I appreciate your prayers as I do my best to trust the Lord through the process of planning and having His peace when things don't go as planned. Camp here is different than in the states for an assortment of reasons and I am still learning about each of those differences.
Will you join me in prayer for each of our kids, that the Lord will use the camp setting to draw them to himself...that relationships will be strengthened, trust built, and opportunity for deep conversations presented!?
A few more fun pictures to enjoy of all the happenings. :)
There are so many different hands the Lord uses to make the ministry function and so many different aspects of the ministry. Too many to share details about them all! Thankful for your partnership in it all! Great is the Lord and greatly to be praised!