Serving in the mundane and sometimes difficult
Every Friday we continue to go out to the bateys. Two bateys in the morning and two in the afternoon. We get a little over an hour at each batey, if things go as planned.
There have been several beautiful moments as relationships form with the kids, as opportunities to share truth through memorizing scripture arise, as kids read and pronounce words in English, remember their letters, special sounds, and form complete thoughts in English. There are many of these beautiful moments.
But there are also some extremely difficult moments too. Last week was probably one of my toughest weeks with the kids. I ended up having to send one kid home due to behavior issues.
The various challenges of teaching in the bateys plus the behavioral issues we face can be draining. Sometimes I face the challenges filled with grace and patience from the Lord and other weeks I feel like I barley make it through with my patience being tested to the limit. Some Fridays I am even ready for a nap when I get home.
This is what is not seen in the pictures. I am so very thankful for the opportunities the Lord provides, but He is growing and stretching me in the process.
As I work with our kids I am reminded of God's steadfast love and faithfulness. He is faithful even when we are faithless.
"Your steadfast love, O LORD, extends to the heavens, your faithfulness to the clouds." Psalm 36:5
"If we are faithless, he remains faithful - for he cannot deny himself." 2 Timothy 2:13
"But the Lord is faithful. He will establish you and guard you against the evil one." 2 Thessalonians 3:3
We often get distracted from the one who truly satisfies. We can shut down or have a bad attitude when things don't go our way. We can fight and argue over petty things. We in so many ways are just like these kids, yet God is ALWAYS faithful. His love has no ending. It has no limits. He continues to guide, direct, and forgive. There is not a scenario where He gives up on those who belong to Him.
As I mentioned before each week we work on hiding God's word in our heart. My kids have memorized John 3:16 and Romans 3:23 and are currently in the midst of trying to memorize Romans 3:12. These are all verses they know in Spanish, but are now learning in English. This has been such a great part of Fridays as not only are we teaching them English, but using it to teach Biblical truths. Opportunities to explain and talk about the meanings of the verses naturally comes, as we learn them together.
Below are some of my kiddeos (Maria, Rafael, and Anyeli) reciting John 3:16. Would you pray with me as we learn these verses, that it would be a time of more than just practicing English, but a time where these truths start to break through and penetrate the heart, going beyond head knowledge!
The other day, one of the girls brought her doll and explained to me that she made a mask for her doll to wear.
The multi-use is under construction. Our thatch had a number of holes in it, so we are getting a new roof put on. The multi-use is typically where breakfast and lunch is served to our kids. It is also used for Chapel during the school year, team meetings, church, and any other big group gatherings.
Construction also continues on the school and the new apartment buildings (which will be my future home).
MK (Missionary Kid) School
I continue to have the opportunity to teach all of the missionary kids. There are about 20 from 1st - 7th grade and I get the privilege to teach them all! I teach World History and 3rd grade Language arts.
We started in 29 A.D (with the day of Pentecost) and are currently about to cover the Crusades, which happened in 1096.
We recently learned about Eric the Red, a viking who traveled to Greenland. If you didn't know Greenland isn't so "green". It is actually about 80% ice. Eric just named it Greenland to trick others into joining him on the trip. Part of Greenland is in the Arctic Circle and the Inuit people live there. (In America the Inuits are also called Eskimos, but they prefer to be called Inuits.) Of course in learning about the Inuit and Arctic Circle we had to take the opportunity to make igloos! Apples, peanut butter, and marshmallows, it was a pretty good tasting igloo!
Reviewing for a test? No better place then outside through a scavenger hunt of sorts. Can you tell I am a camp person? I figured that was more fun then sitting inside answering questions and filling out a review packet!
We also learned about a story, recently that blew my mind. Can I just say I am learning A LOT?
The quick recap. In Egypt there was a lot of Islamic influence. A Islamic King at the time really liked debates and set up a debate between a Jew and a Christian. The debate heated up quickly and the Christians were challenged to prove their faith and challenged to move a Mountain. (Matthew 17:20) The Islamic King gave them 3 days to choose one of 4 choices.
1) Move a mountain and prove God is real
2) Convert to Islam
3) Move out of Egypt
4) Be killed
Long story short, after 3 days of fasting and praying, story has it God's power was shown that day and the Mountain did move. The story explains that the Islamic king asked the Christians to stop, due to fear of the power of the Lord. Then stopped and praised the Lord and declared that he was real. Persecution during this time was forbidden for Christians in this area.
Most stories I teach we know for sure are true, but some we don't know if they are fact or legend/myth. What do you think? I know our God is powerful enough to do it... :)
Check out the artwork of some of my Missionary Kids.
In Language Arts we are learning the joys of commas, contractions, word differentiation (to vs. two vs. too / may vs. can / lie vs. lay), diagramming sentences, past tense verbs, spelling, and more. Here the 3rd grade boys are practicing for their spelling test as we race to spell each word.
Interns & Adventures
Overall it has been a blessing to live with the interns. Getting to do life with ladies who are experiencing life on their own for the first time brings some fun adventures and great teaching moments.
Breeze - to the left was with us for 3 months, she recently went back to the States
Ruthanne - picture to the right in the middle recently joined us and will be with us all summer
Sierra - in both pictures has been with us most of the year
Have you ever seen a cacao bean before? It is the bean that is used to make CHOCOLATE. We took the interns to a cacao farm a few weeks ago. In some ways I felt like I was walking through Willy Wonka's Chocolate Factory. I never knew the bean came in pods. It was so much fun spending the day with the interns and learning more about where chocolate comes from. Can I tell you (from experience), the bean is VERY bitter. There is much adding of sugar and milk before it is the chocolate that you know and are probably thinking of.
Missionary Friends & Babies :)
This is little Zion. She is about 5 months old. Mia & Jacob are friends and one of the missionary couples who I serve with. This is their cute little girl. I have claimed her as my niece and am teaching her to call me Aunt Jade. :)
Prayer Requests
WISDOM & RESTING IN CHRIST - Most schools are still closed, we are thankful for the opportunity we have to go out to the bateys (villages) and are continuing to remind ourselves of the truth that God is sovereign and this is his plan A. Without permission to have kids back on campus, that means no camp and also means summer ministry will look a bit different. Will you pray with us as leadership plans out how we can be intentional with our kids even when things are a bit different. Will you pray that our team continues to have patience and trust in the truth that He is in control and He knows best.
I can't not mention the praise in the changes this year. Not getting to do ministry the "normal" way has allowed us way more time in the bateys. It has given us the opportunity to get to know the families of our kids on a deeper level and has allowed us to get to know others in the batey that don't go to our school. Not to mention all the stretching and growth it has caused the missionaries here! :)
PATIENCE, PERSPECTIVE & OVERFLOWING LOVE - As you read earlier attempting to do class in the villages can be difficult for an assortment of reasons. Will you pray as we go out that we will remember the why. That we will be overflowing with Christ's love and patience, so even when it is a tough day or we are being disrespected, we can can calmly correct, use those moments as opportunities to share truth, and show Christ's unfailing love.
JOY & ENDURANCE - Can you believe this is our 35th week of doing MK (Missionary Kid) School. That is over 8 months. Teaching our Missionary Kids has been a joy in soo many ways and I have seen God's work in it. To be honest, it is routine now, which is weird to say, since it isn't the "norm". Have you struggled in the "mundane". The what God has called you to. Can I say I love the opportunity to deepen relationships with the MK's and opportunities to point them to Christ through History and Language Arts, but at the same time in this current season I struggle to find the joy. Routine can be such a good thing, but it can also be a dangerous thing when it causes us to loose the intentionality and reason behind the routine. Our God is good and I want to be faithful to the what he has given me at this time.
God is reminding me it is Not so much about the what, but the who...
Some seasons we don't get to choose the what
(what we are doing or what we are in the midst of)
but we always can choose the who
(who we are doing it for and who we are running to in the midst of it all).
"Whatever you do ... do it ALL for the glory of God" 1 Cor. 10:31
"All of my life, In every season, You are still God. I have a reason to sing. I have a reason to worship!" - Desert Song
No matter the season - I've got a reason to Praise the Lord!
THE TEAM - I am so thankful for the community of missionaries that Freedom has. Continued prayer for physical health, endurance/encouragement in trials, and unity is always appreciated!
Thank you for partnering with me in ministry! Our God is good!