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Check out a few of the faces & some of the memories from Freedom this past year.

Prayer Requests ------------------------------------------

> Spring Camp - We are hoping to have week long camps for our kids starting in just a few months. There is a lot of planning to be done and details to be figured out.

  • Will you join me in prayer for each of those details and wisdom in the planning?

  • For flexibility, peace, and patience as things change and we adapt.

  • Will you pray that God will provide the staff necessary for us to run camp?

  • Will you pray for our Kids, that God will soften their hearts that they may be ready to hear the truths presented at camp and for the teachers who are working with them now in the school.

> A past camp mentor of mine recently past away. Please pray for his physical and camp family as they navigate the difficult journey ahead. (Below is a message from his wife, Jen)

"Friends, it is with a broken heart that I write to tell you that Dave went home to be with Jesus last night. He fought hard to stay but his time here was done. I don't understand, but I don't need to. Jesus lost loved ones too and I know He is crying with us as we start a new unknown part of our lives. Dear friends, please pray for Hattie and Olivia. Their hearts are in anguish over losing their daddy. they are still growing in their faith and this is the kind of thing that can snuff out their joy. Please pray for wisdom for me so I can continue to point them to Jesus. Even when things are hard or scary, or confusing. Jesus is the one we turn to with our broken hearts and he is there to comfort us. friends, in all of this I want you to know this: Satan didn't win this one. He may have taken my beloved, but Dave is standing in front of Jesus now. Healed of everything and perfect and I will see him again."

Left - Dave & His family

Middle - Dave in his element leading and teaching high ropes at camp Timber-lee

Right - Connecting at a camp conference

> Praise & Prayer about our ongoing matching gift

Fantastic news! We've been offered a $72,000 MATCHING GIFT to benefit Freedom's continued growth! God's timing is impeccable. After a "down" year with fewer visitors and less projected income, we thank the Lo

rd for His provision in this way.

When the school is complete, there will be 72 classrooms full of students, teachers, and staff. We're halfway finished building classrooms, yet there is still much to be done on campus. Meeting this match would help us continue on our fourth apartment building and work towards more classrooms.

Our donor has agreed to match any donation, dollar for dollar, up to $72,000. If completed, Freedom would receive $144,000! $40,675 has been given! $31,325 to go!


Want to hear more details about camp ministry or ways you can get involved, just reach out. I would love to connect with you!

Thank you for your prayers! Our God is good!

Praying now for each of you as you enter the new year. Looking forward to see God work in 2022!


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