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3 steps forward ... 4 steps backwards ... or so it could seem

The past few months have been a season full of change and transition. The truth is it has been 3 steps forward and no steps backward. Plans continue to change, ministry looks different week to week, but I can so clearly see God's hand in it all.

I had the opportunity to go out to the bateys (villages) and teach Math and Spanish Language Arts to a handful of kids in first and second grade. This was a stretching but a beautiful time. This was the first time we were able to see our kids in over 3 months. It was a blessing to have the privilege to invest in a small group of kids. It was a blessing to have the opportunity to practice, improve, and use my Spanish. It was a blessing to be able to get to know some of our Dominican teachers better!

The beginning of June we had 6 interns come, which allowed us to start teaching English to our kids (in the village) as well as begin our VBS program. I was able to work closely with the interns during this time. Training, preparing for VBS, and then being along side of them as they helped run the programs. I love having the opportunity of working with the interns, in many ways it reminds me of working with summer staff in the camp setting that I had in the States.

Our VBS program looked a lot different and took a bit of creative thinking to plan in a way we could follow the guidelines set for us in regards to Covid. For our kids the idea of social distancing and mask wearing was and still is completely foreign. We (Freedom) were the first organization/people coming along side of them and asking them to do such things. We did our best to meet the guidelines that were set for the kids, but when we left masks were off and kids were all huddled. Even though it looked a little different VBS still consisted of a teaching time in God's word, games, a craft, songs, and memory verse.

Here are the pictures of our interns teaching English and helping with VBS. VBS are the pictures that seem a little more chaotic and have a little less social distancing, as ALL kids from the village were welcome for VBS. In the village I was able to be a part of we had around 80 kids at its max.

A few weeks into the English and VBS program we were asked to stop going out to the villages. This seemed like we were taking multiple steps backward. We had many disappointed interns, teachers, and missionaries. In the moment it can be hard to see the why, it can be hard to have the right perspective. We obviously want to be with our kids, we want to be investing in them. We also are standing on the truth that God is not suprised by the change in schedule and God is still in control.

I know the virus has brought many hardships along the way, but I want to take a moment to share some of the blessings, unique opportunities, and Lord's provision in all the change and in the waiting.

One of the ways I have seen God's timing is when He pulled us from the villages. God has given us 4 new missionary families and 3 new interns within the past month, the only problem is we didn't have enough housing ready for them. This left us pushing construction of our new apartment building. God putting a pause on village ministry allowed us to take all those hands and focus them on construction. The crew below spackled, sanded, scraped, and painted. And with all the extra hands God provided, we were able to finish the needed apartments days/minutes before/upon their arrival! (In case you are wondering I have had paint on me for weeks now) :)

Speaking of new interns the Lord has provided, there is another God highlight. Typically we have 5-10 interns and our interns live in community with each other. This year the Lord has provided one newly married couple and a single gal to come along side of us and minister. We love investing in our interns and we did not want the single gal to be alone. So ... I was approached and asked if I would be interested in moving in with her for the year. Wow what an opportunity laid right smack in front of me.

My new roomie for the year is Julianne! She has been such a blessing and encouragement in the few weeks we have been together. I am looking forward to continuing to develop and deepen this new relationship the Lord has provided!

Man plans have changed during this time, but these changes of plans have allowed me to be involved in several areas of the ministry. These new opportunities of involvement have given me the gift of getting to work along side people I would not normally have the privilege to work along side of ... to get to know people I would not normally have the the opportunity to spend time with. It allowed me to get to know all of our Dominican school teachers, it allowed me to practice and use the language (Spanish), it allowed me to build new relationships with different missionaries. I can't stress how much that has been a gift. I LOVE camp ministry, but as it is in a different location then the school, running at the same time, it can feel isolating at times. Although in many ways these times are not ideal, they have in many ways allowed me to recharge and deepen roots in this new community the Lord has me in and I am so very thankful for that.

Times are still uncertain, we have not yet heard back from the Dominican Ministry of Education telling us all the standards for this school year, we have not gotten approval with our plan to move forward with our new procedures and policies.

We are hoping students will come at the end of August, but in the meantime, we trust, and while we wait for more answers we steward the time God has given us the best we can.

Camp is the same story, so many unknowns. We are waiting to learn what the final restrictions and guidelines are for the school, before we move forward with camp as we will have to follow the same procedures.

While we wait and best prepare we have started our in-service before the school year. This is a time where all of our staff come together, we are reminded of the vision and mission of the ministry, we reflect back on the year, the new theme is introduced, first aid and CPR is reviewed, different ministry areas give us updates and reviews, and we dive into God's Word together. This year our director is doing a survey of the New Testament.

Well folks that about sums it up for now!

I am so thankful for each one of you on my team! Your prayers, encouragement and support mean more then you know!

Prayer Requests

  • Wisdom for leadership as they make decision for the school

  • Flexibility for our team as we serve in different areas, and do ministry in a way we never thought we would have to

  • Wisdom and direction for how to move forward with camp

  • Our new interns and missionaries as they settle in and adjust to life in the D.R.

  • Our kids as they have not had the stability or safety of the school setting

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