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A trip down memory lane


1)Lets take a look at what God has been up to since He first started my journey to Freedom!

NOVEMBER 23, 2018 - Match Challenge Introduced

DECEMBER 6, 2018 - Update on Match & Camp Vision Presented

DECEMBER 20, 2018 - A Last ask for the Match

JANUARY 4, 2019 - God provided the funds for the match!

JANUARY 20, 2019 - I moved to the Dominican Republic & started language training

FEBRUARY 15, 2019 -

A tour of the camp area before any construction

**(Click the picture below to see a short video of the land before all the building)**

MAY 1, 2019 - The digging has begun!

JUNE 9, 2019 - The cabins have been started

JUNE 14, 2019 - Summer mission trip teams continue to help build the cabins

JULY - 2019 - While the cabins were being built,

we held day camp at our school with the help of our mission trip teams

SEPTEMBER 9, 2019 - Our multi purpose building was started!

SEPTEMBER 22, 2019 - Continued progress on the multiuse!

One week before our first camp - CABINS ARE COMPLETE

SEPTEMBER 27, 2019 - Our FIRST overnight camp in the cabins!

OCTOBER 4, 2019 - Our SECOND overnight camp!

(at this point we had no storage at camp, so we transported all the camp supplies back & forth each weekend)

OCTOBER 5, 2019

OCTOBER 12, 2019 - During our Fall camp we traveled to the school to use the bathrooms!

NOVEMBER 4, 2019

NOVEMBER 9, 2019 - Progress on the multi use building

November 22, 2019 - Another weekend camp in the books!

January 13, 2020 - continued PROGRESS

Here is the new multi use building! Many of you prayed for the progress of this building. This building changed the way we do camp! We were able to use it for Chapel, Meal Times, Free Time, Bathrooms, Storage, and more.

In His perfect timing this building finished right before our Spring week long overnight Camps started in February of 2020.

February & March 2020 -

First week long camps for our 3rd-6th graders

Late March 2020 - Closures began with Covid Spread

I am overwhelmed at all that God has done and all in his perfect timing. Camp is only one aspect of the ministry here at Freedom. God is working through the school, construction, and in various other ways.



Making Beds - We provide all of the bedding for each of our campers as some do not have extra to bring to camp and their family back home needs to use what they have. Sheets, blankets, pillows, and pillow cases are provided each week. When the kids walk into the cabin they are always so excited and the top bunks are by far the favorite. Our beds are actually 3 high, so the "3rd level" beds are always taken first. Some of our kids are able to make their bed no problem and others need quite a bit of assistance and we take the opportunity to teach the how to make a bed. Each week I heard a kiddeo say do I get my own bed, or do I have to sleep alone? Some of them were thrilled to have their own bed for the first time and others were scared as they had never slept alone. Many of our campers share their bed with their siblings and some share with their whole family. These comments always pull my heart strings, give me a greater understanding of of their home life and remind me just how special a week at camp is for our kids.


3) Corona UPDATE

Things are slowly starting to reopen in the D.R.
*as of June 6th, 2020

4) Prayer Requests - Please pray for the

  • Opportunity to return to the bateys (villages) and tutor kids.

  • Opportunity to lead 13 our our missionary kids (1st - 6th grade) in special summer program.

  • Continued wisdom & direction in planning for our next camp season, which begins in September Lord willing

  • Continued growth in language

  • Missionaries - We are excited to welcome new missionary families to the field once our border reopens. Please also continue to keep the missionary team on site in your prayers.

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