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Endings and Beginnings

Summer Camp has come to a close and so is my time here at Scioto Hills. I have the privilege to continue to live and volunteer at Scioto for the next month before I move to Indiana to spend time with family and friends and continue to support raise.

If you would have asked me a few years ago, if I thought this day would come, I would have said no way.

I cannot fully put into words how thankful I am for the deep community and family developed here and that God has allowed me to be used to invest in others for the sake of the gospel in this camp setting. I give Him glory and stand in awe of all He has done in the past years at Scioto Hills both in my life and in the lives of other staff and campers. This place will always be near and dear to my heart. A place I call home .. A place I call family.

A few memories and stories from the past month here at Scioto

At the end of each summer camp season there are many jobs on camp to close out the summer camp season and prep for our guest group season. This year I was able to help with the job of cleaning and putting away the blob! (Yes the bottom two pictures are of of us inside the blob giving it a good scrub)

Prayer Request - I remember my second year at Scioto (09) as a program assistant having campers **** and

**** (who were at the time young elementary campers), siblings with a bit of a story and in their younger years some behavioral issues. I remember year after year them coming to summer camp, the conversations I was able to have with them encouraging and pointing them to Christ, and encouraging counselors as they invested in them. I have enjoyed seeing them grow up through out the years and was excited to see and connect with them this year during family camp. Would you join me in prayer for them... that God will bring believers in their lives to encourage and guide them and that God will help them see clearly who He is and their need for Him, and that the lies of the world and the evil one will be drowned out by the truths of Scripture!

PIC to the left: The summer staff lifeguard ladies, (Sarah, Emma, & Lyndlee) I got to work with all summer! This picture is at the end of summer staff banquet! Keep them in your prayers as they go impact their spheres of influence! PIC to the right: Lacey and I after belaying at the climbing wall, those ropes can make your hands a bit dirty! :)

Many (but not all) of the permanent staff Ladies at the end of summer banquet. Will join me in uplifting them in prayer that the Lord will work in and through them and give them the endurance and perseverance as they continue to serve faithfully at the ministry of Scioto Hills Christian Camp and Retreat Center!


The Lord continues to stretch and challenge me as I go through these new transitions and continue to support raise. At the same time He continues to give me peace and encouragement as He provides (in sometimes the most unexpected ways) along the way. A quote, from a book I have read pertaining to support raising, keeps going through my head, as the Lord continues to remind me to trust in Him.

"What is going to control you on this adventure? Will it be fear of rejection or failure? Other people's opinions? Past Experiences? Or the Word of God?"

That is a question we can probably all ask ourselves.

I am excited to tell you I am at about 44% support raised (including supporters that have committed to giving, but not yet started).


  • Wisdom as I plan my schedule and meetings.

  • Wisdom to know when is the best time to move to Indiana.

  • Boldness in asking.

  • God's timing in support raising. My goal is still to leave this January.

  • Freedom International Ministries as they begin their school year.

Pictures of the first day of School!

Have I told you yet how excited I am to be headed to the Dominican Republic and help Freedom International Ministries start a camp ministry! I would love to meet with you and tell you more about this ministry! If you are interested, just let me know! (

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